Insurers generally set Connecticut automobile insurance premiums after determining a driver’s risk of filing a claim. Motorists who pose a greater risk are frequently charged more, while safe drivers usually encounter lower premiums. Statistically, younger motorists have a higher chance of being involved in an accident than any other age group. Although the Constitution State already enforces various restrictions on teen drivers, auto accidents are still the leading cause of death for residents between the ages of 15 and 19.
CT insurers are aware of the unfortunate statistics surrounding teenage motorists, and raise premiums for younger drivers to compensate for the risk of providing insurance to higher risk drivers. To find adequately priced coverage, younger residents should compare estimates from multiple companies. Individual insurers are likely to provide unique quotes, giving motorists the opportunity to find more affordable vehicle protection.
Getting Auto Insurance for Young Connecticut Drivers
Insurers in Connecticut often target different customer demographics. While the majority of coverage providers choose to insure motorists in the preferred and standard market, there are some companies that specialize in high-risk coverage for those in the non-standard market. Shopping around and comparing quotes can lead to cheaper insurance because it provides drivers with options.
A popular alternative for many younger motorists in CT is to join the policy of a parent or guardian. If a teenager is having difficulty locating an adequately priced plan, being added to an existing policy can be a cost effective way of remaining insured until the younger motorist can purchase their own coverage. However, motorists should note that when a high-risk driver is added to an existing plan, the premiums of every vehicle on the policy are likely to increase as a result.
Avoiding accidents and citations as a younger motorist can lead to cheaper vehicle coverage in the future. However, there are Safety Tips and Laws That Parents and Young Teen Drivers Must Know to avoid potentially serious consequences and higher coverage costs. Younger motorists in the Constitution State usually receive harsher punishments for texting while driving, speeding or driving recklessly. Most of these violations can result in a fine and a license suspension, and will likely result in higher insurance premiums as well.