When an automobile accident occurs in Wisconsin, the insurance coverage of every motorist who was involved is investigated by the state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If a driver is found to be uninsured at the time of the accident, they may face numerous consequences, including the loss of their vehicle registration for every automobile they own. Additionally, the offending motorist may have their license suspended. Avoiding these consequences and having a license reinstated both involve the purchase of vehicle coverage that meets the state minimum liability requirements. For motorists who have been convicted of driving without adequate coverage, there are extra steps that must be taken to have one’s driving privileges reinstated.
A motorist with a suspended license as the result of being involved in an accident while uninsured can often only have their driving privileges reinstated if they first demonstrate proof that Wisconsin auto insurance has been purchased, and pay an additional reinstatement fee. This proof of financial responsibility generally comes in the form of an SR-22, which can be obtained from an insurer licensed to sell coverage in the Badger State. As of November first, 2011 the minimum coverage that is required includes bodily injury liability with a limit of $25,000 for a single person, and $50,000 for two people or more in a single accident, as well as $10,000 for property damage liability. Additionally, drivers are required to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist protection with a minimum threshold of 25/50.
Proof of Auto Insurance for Wisconsin Motorists
Often insurers that are willing to provide proof of financial responsibility will mail the necessary paperwork to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. At times, however, it is may be the responsibility of the offending motorist to ensure that these documents are properly filed. Once a motorist has been convicted of driving without adequate insurance, they generally must maintain proof of financial responsibility for three years. After this time, drivers are encouraged to seek out more affordable coverage by shopping around and comparing numerous quotes. Additionally, drivers can avoid many of the consequences that come from driving without coverage by heeding the Uninsured motorists/safety responsibility law that was enacted in 1945 and only drive while insured.
According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Wisconsin is home to some of the Nation’s lowest average expenditures. Motorists in the Badger State are encouraged to take advantage of these affordable rates and purchase vehicle coverage before getting behind the wheel instead of being forced to submit an SR-22 after an accident. Shopping online for pricing information can often produce dozens of estimates at once, allowing drivers to conveniently determine which insurers can offer the lowest rates. Residents sometimes have the option of meeting WS financial responsibility requirements by making a $60,000 cash deposit with the Department of Transportation, or a bond with an insurance company.