The price that a motorist pays for auto insurance is dependent on a wide range of information that may be interpreted differently by individual coverage providers. Insurers generally examine extensive data and set rates based on a driver’s risk of filing a claim. A motorist with personal details that indicate an increased likelihood of being involved in an accident is generally placed in the non-standard market, and may have difficulty finding inexpensive vehicle protection.
To avoid high priced coverage, motorists should become familiar with the ways that many online auto insurance companies rate motorists, to help identify ways to reduce policy prices. Seemingly miscellaneous data, such as a motorist’s age, gender and marital status, can often have a tremendous impact on how much a person pays for vehicle coverage. For example, extensive research has shown that drivers who are between the ages of 16 and 25 – especially male drivers – are more likely to be involved in accidents than any other age group. Additionally, studies have indicated that motorists who are married file fewer claims than drivers who are single.
The personal information of motorists who are living in the same household can also impact a policyholder’s rates. The presence of a high-risk driver can often result in steeper premium prices, because insurers need to compensate for the possibility that the high-risk motorist in question may operate the insured automobile. This can be especially true for a motorist who is living with newly licensed teenager. To avoid these price increases, motorists can exclude specific motorists from a policy by adding them to their list of exclusions.
Auto Insurance Company Rating Methods
Insurance ratings are also largely based on the automobile that a motorist is insuring, as well as the driver’s location. There are some cars that cost more to insure for multiple reasons. When setting rates, insurers typically consider the price of the automobile, as well as the make, model and year. Crash test ratings or the presence of additional safety features can also influence how much a motorist ends up paying for vehicle coverage. If an automobile is expensive, or costly to repair after an accident, insurers are likely to offer increased rates to compensate for the potential monetary loss if the policyholder is involved in an accident.
Location is also important to the rating process because where a person lives can have a noticeable impact on their likelihood of filing a claim. According to Traffic Safety Facts provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorists who live in rural areas are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than those who live in urban areas. However, urban areas typically contain a denser population, higher crime rates, and a higher number of accidents. As a result, motorists who live in heavily populated cities are frequently rated higher than vehicle owners in rural areas.
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